Nov 19, 2014

2015 Board of Directors Election Results

The results of the 2015 Board of Directors Election were made official following a Special Meeting of the Bristol Cove Owners Association (BCOA) on November 13.  Kevin Klein (incumbent), Carolyn Conner (incumbent) and Tyler Anderson were elected by the homeowners to serve on the Board for a two-year term.   Congratulations to all three!  

Also serving on the five-member Board are Allen Bonini and Jim Langdon. 

Officers will be elected at the January Board meeting.

Nov 2, 2014

Special Meeting of the Bristol Cove Owners Association to be Held Thursday, November 13, 2014

As of October 27, 2014, the Bristol Cove Owners Association (BCOA) has taken receipt of approximately 100 ballots in the election of the 2015 Board of Directors. As provided for in the BCOA By-Laws, a minimum of 114 ballots (40% of the membership) must be cast in an election of the Board of Directors.

Therefore, the Board is calling this Special Meeting for the sole purpose of collecting additional ballots from those members who have yet to cast a ballot in this election. (No other buinsess will be discussed.)  All previously cast ballots are still valid and will be counted as cast unless a member indicates a desire to change their vote by casting an alternative ballot.

The meeting will be held at President Kevin Klein's Residence, 2721 - 144th Street, from 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. 

If you need a new copy of the ballot it can be downloaded and printed off from the Bristol Cove Owners Association website at: Members can vote in one of three manners:

By Mail:

Mail your completed Ballot and signed Proxy Statement prior to November 13, 2014 to:

BCOA Nominating Committee
2200 NW 159th Street
Suite 400, Box 211
Clive, IA 50325

Drop Off:

Drop off your completed Ballot and signed Proxy Statement at the home of one of the following Board Members prior to November 13, 2014:

Allen Bonini                             Jim Langdon                           Skip Skibsted
14318 Brookshire Dr.              14320 Oakbrook Dr.               14505 Clearview Ln.
In Person:

Attend the Special Meeting on November 13, 2014 and turn in your ballot.

The Board would like to thank all members who took the time to cast their ballots so far, and encourage all remaining members to take a few minutes to cast a ballot in your community’s annual Election of the Board of Directors.  PLEASE CAST YOUR VOTE EARLY!

This announcement was mailed to all members of the Bristol Cove Owners Association on October 29.  Download a copy of the announcement >>

Sep 16, 2014

Emerald Ash Borer Expert to Speak at Annual Meeting

Robin Pruisner, State Entomologist, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, will be the guest speaker at the Bristol Cove Owners Association Annual Meeting on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, Waukee Public Library, 6:30 p.m.  The title of her presentation is "Preparing for the Emerald Ash Borer Risks, Realities and Options."

Did you know that at least 1 in 5 homes in Bristol Cove Subdivision has one or more ash trees in their yard?

All of these trees will fall victim to this deadly pest.

Please join your neighbors in an informative discussion and question and answer session with one of Iowa’s top experts on the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). Learn about your options prior to the arrival of the EAB. Receive useful advice, resources and information on how to prepare for it. Discussion topics will include:

  • What to look for and expect
  • Options for treatment
  • Strategies for timing replacement of your ash trees
  • Alternative tree species to consider as replacements
  • Interest by Association homeowners to work together to contract for services for treatment, removal and/or replacement

Ms. Pruisner's presentation will follow the election of 2015 Board of Directors and presentation of the 2015 Association Annual Budget. Download Annual Meeting Announcement and Agenda >>  Download 2015 Board of Directors Election Materials including Ballot and Proxy Statement >>

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Cast Your Vote for the 2015 Bristol Cove Owners Association Board of Directors!

The Bristol Cove Owners Association (BCOA) Annual Meeting of the members is scheduled for Tuesday, October 14, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. at the Waukee Library, 950 Warrior Lane, Waukee.  Download the Annual Meeting Announcement/Agenda >>  A major purpose of this meeting is to elect members to the Board of Directors.  Board members serve staggered two-year terms and this year members will be asked to elect three (3) members to serve on the five-member Board of Directors.

The Association is fortunate to have four individuals (including two incumbents) interested in filling these three open positions.  You are encouraged to consider the candidate statements of interest/profiles in considering how to cast your ballot.

  • Tyler Anderson:  My wife Megan and I live on Buena Vista Drive and both work in the Des Moines area as civil engineers. I work in residential and commercial site design and development. Through my profession, I work with developers, contractors and city municipalities from design and through construction a variety of projects in central Iowa. I have served as a board member on YMG of the American Society of Civil Engineers for 3 years. In the past year, I have assisted Jim Langdon on the landscaping committee with maintenance tasks throughout the HOA.
  • Carolyn Conner:  Currently serving as Secretary/Treasurer of BCOA. Have served one year on this Board. Resident of Bristol Cove for 5 yrs. Currently retired as a Medical Transcriptionist. Avid quilter.
  • Kevin Klein:  Current President of the BCOA. Served 1 year on this Board. Resident of Bristol Cove for 7 years. 24 years as a Financial Advisor and current owner of his own investment advisory firm.
  • Matt Wagner:  No information provided.

Your vote is critical!  Download an official ballot/proxy statement for your use to cast your votes for the election of these three 2015 Board positions >>.  You can use the ballot in one of three ways:

  1. Complete the ballot and turn it in in-person at the annual meeting on October 14, 2014;
  2. Complete the companion proxy statement on the ballot form and mail in your ballot so it is received NO LATER THAN October 14, 2014; or
  3. Complete the companion proxy statement on the ballot form and have a neighbor who will be attending the annual meeting hand deliver your proxy statement to the meeting on October 14, 2014.
Regardless of the method that is most convenient for you to use, it is very important that you cast your vote in this election. In order for an election of the Board of Directors to be valid the Association By-Laws require that a minimum of 114 votes (40% of the membership) be cast.  Keep in mind that every time we have to re-cast an election ballot due to lack of participation it costs the Association in excess of $350 in processing and mailing costs. So in order to control costs and keep dues low it is important for each of us to take the time to fill out the ballot and either attend the meeting or send in your proxy vote.

NOTE:  The following Annual Meeting Notice/Announcement and Election Materials were mailed to all Bristol Cove Homeowners on September 10, 2014:



Aug 17, 2014

Call for Nominations for the 2015 Board of Directors

A notice for "Call for Nominations for the 2015 Board of Directors" was mailed to all Bristol Cove Homeowners on August 14.  The notice is intended to solicit interest from any Bristol Cove Owners Association (BCOA) member in good standing that would be interested in placing their name up for nomination to the Board of Directors in the upcoming election.  Nominees will be voted on by the members (ref. Section V of the By-Laws).

Board members serve staggered two-year terms and this year members will be asked to elect three (3) members to serve on the five-member Board of Directors.  Information about the roles and responsibilities of the BOCA Board can be found in the By-Laws and Covenants.

If you are interested in being considered by the Nominating Committee to be slated for election to the Board of Directors, please email your expression of interest to Allen Bonini, Chairman, BCOA Nominating Committee at or mail to BOCA Nominating committee, 2200 NW 159th Street, Suite 400, Box 211, Clive, IA 50325 no later than September 2, 2014.  Candidates are also encouraged to submit a brief one, paragraph statement to be used to inform the members of their interest in serving on the Board. 

Download the Call for Nominations for the 2015 Board of Directors Notice >>

City of Urbandale Planning & Zoning Commission Discuss New Developments

Several new developments in the area have been major topics of discussion at the City of Urbandale Planning & Zoning Commission meetings, including new commercial, office and housing developments at 142nd and Hickman, the widening of 142nd Street (scheduled for 2015) and the proposed "Village Centre West" development at 142nd Street and Douglas Parkway. 

To read more about these developments, click on the links below:

May 30, 2014

Mark Your Calendars!

In accordance with the By-Laws, the Bristol Cove Owners Association (BCOA) will hold its Annual Meeting of the members in October.  The meeting is set for Tuesday, October 14, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. at the Waukee Public Library.  Major items on the agenda will be the 2015 budget and election of new Board members. 

May 28, 2014

Common/Public Areas Relandscaped

The Landscape Committee has been busy this spring with relandscaping projects.

The first phase completed was work on the cul-de-sacs on Bryn Mawr Drive, Buena Vista Drive and 143rd Court.  (The cul-de-sac on Dellwood required only a cutting of the grasses.) Iowa Outdoor Products was contracted with to redesign the areas.  They added several new plants, including little lime hydrangea plants, autumn joy sedum plants, carradonna salvia plants and feather reed grasses, and large boulders and extra river rock.  (Iowa Outdoor is owned by Bristol Cove residents Shane and Karen Miller.)  The new plantings will be watered by neighborhood residents--thank you to them!  The Association has contracted with Tyler Anderson, a lawn care professional and a Bristol Cove resident, to maintain these relandscaped areas.

Hall/Martin Landscaping completed the second phase of relandscaping.  It included new plantings at the entryways to Bristol Cove off 142nd Street on Briarwood Lane, Oak Brook Drive and Maple Drive.  New plantings were also added to the Bristol Cove sign and gazebo area on the Lake access lot on 142nd Street. These new plantings included carradonna salvia, coreopsis, knock out roses, tall sedum, feather reed grasses, low juniper and additional yews.  Additional river rock was also added.

Other contracts issued this year for landscaping services include All American Turf Beauty for lawn care of the Lake access lot and AquaClear for maintenance/care of Lake Bristol.

May 14, 2014

Troop 208 Volunteers to Raise and Lower Flags

Boy Scout Troop 208 has volunteered to raise and lower the flags on the Association's Lake access lot on 142nd Street.  Jim Roegiers, a Bristol Cove resident, is the Troop's scoutmaster.  Thank you, Jim, and the scouts of Troop 208 for volunteering for this service. 

May 6, 2014

Newest Residents of Bristol Cove

If you haven't had a chance to see the newest residents of Bristol Cove, stop by the gazebo.  Most days you will see this little family out for a swim on Bristol Cove Lake.

Jan 13, 2014

New Board Members Elected and Officers Appointed

In December, Allen Bonini and Jim Langdon were elected by the homeowners to serve on the Bristol Cove Homeowners Association Board of Directors for a two-year term.  They join Kevin Klein, Carolyn Conner and Skip Skibsted on the Board.  At the January 13 Board meeting, Klein was elected president, Langdon Vice President and Conner Secretary/Treasurer.