As of
October 27, 2014, the Bristol Cove Owners Association (BCOA) has taken receipt
of approximately 100 ballots in the election of the 2015 Board of Directors. As provided for in the BCOA By-Laws, a
minimum of 114 ballots (40% of the membership) must be cast in an election of
the Board of Directors.
the Board is calling this Special Meeting for the sole purpose of collecting
additional ballots from those members who have yet to cast a ballot in this
election. (No other buinsess will be discussed.) All previously cast ballots are still valid and will be counted as
cast unless a member indicates a desire to change their vote by casting an
alternative ballot.
The meeting will be held at President Kevin Klein's Residence, 2721 - 144th Street, from 7:00 to 7:30 p.m.
If you
need a new copy of the ballot it can be downloaded and
printed off from the Bristol Cove Owners Association website at:
Members can vote in one of three manners:
By Mail:
your completed Ballot and signed Proxy Statement prior to November 13,
2014 to:
BCOA Nominating Committee
2200 NW 159th Street
Suite 400, Box 211
Clive, IA 50325
Drop Off:
Drop off
your completed Ballot and signed Proxy Statement at the home of one of the
following Board Members prior to November 13, 2014:
Bonini Jim
Langdon Skip
Brookshire Dr. 14320 Oakbrook
Dr. 14505 Clearview Ln.
In Person:
the Special Meeting on November 13, 2014 and turn in your ballot.
Board would like to thank all members who took the time to cast their ballots
so far, and encourage all remaining members to take a few minutes to cast a
ballot in your community’s annual Election of the Board of Directors. PLEASE CAST YOUR VOTE EARLY!